A guide for supportive supervision of MHPSS in humanitarian emergencies
The Integrated Model for Supervision (IMS) is for all humanitarian organisations, no matter their size or level of resources.
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Supervision in MHPSS is important

The IMS considers consistent, supportive supervision as integral to safe and effective MHPSS programming and essential to the well-being of all MHPSS service providers, regardless of rank or level of expertise

A collaboration

The IMS was developed through the generous support of USAID by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support and Trinity Centre for Global Mental Health.

Developed together

Developed by engaging with key stakeholders and mental health practitioners to gather the most recent evidence for best practices for supervision, reflecting the voices of the broadest range of MHPSS actors across various sectors.

Global consultation

An advisory group comprised of leading global experts on MHPSS in humanitarian emergency settings actively guided all stages of the development of the IMS. Through consultation, workshops, and piloting, hundreds of individuals from numerous organisations have been engaged in the development of the IMS from across the globe.


The IMS has developed numerous resources for download – including the IMS Handbook, training materials, training curriculums, guidelines, peer reviewed journal articles and case studies.

Who is the IMS for?

The Integrated Model for Supervision (IMS) is designed to support organisations, supervisors, and supervisees to integrate supervision into mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) across sectors in humanitarian emergencies.